RAFI pushbuttons - Extended selection for printing symbols on pushbutton panels
With its FLEXLAB marking system, RAFI now offers even more flexibility in the marking of RAFIX and RAMO pushbuttons and illuminated cover plates. The system not only includes transparent, pre-punched marking sheets in both printed and unprinted, customizable versions, but also the option of printing black symbols on pushbutton panels.
To extend the range of labeling options for FLEXLAB pushbuttons and illuminated attachments, translucent covers in green or red are now also available, ideal for the striking identification of on/off or start/stop functions. The reset button is highlighted on transparent and blue covers as standard. Transparent bezels can also be printed with a variety of standard symbols.
The round covers, with a diameter of 22.15 mm, are suitable for working temperatures from -25 °C to +70 °C and can be securely attached to FLEXLAB pushbuttons and illuminated attachments by latching.
To find in the EVG shop:
RAFI FLEXLAB printed labelling sheets