
Options DC axial fans and blowers manufacturer NMB

Signal for blockage

The "blockage" function is polled using an additional connection to the fan via the open collector and a pull-up resistor. This signal is automatically reset on restart. Normally a blockage will cause a "HIGH" signal.
(Axial fans with inverted "LOW" blockage signal available on request)

signal for blockage axial fans

Example of order number: 08025SA-12N-EL-D0


A speed-dependent tachosignal is polled via an additional connection to the fan via the open collector and a pull-up resistor. One rotation causes two impulses.

Tachosignal axial fans

T1 = = 60/4 x n   (n = rotational speed in rpm)

Example of order number: 08025SA-12N-ET-D0

PWM signal

A PWM signal (puls width modulation) with 5 V amplitude is needed to regulate the axial fan speed. Normally the frequency is 25 kHz.

Vst = 0-0,5 V / 0 % rpm
Vst = 4-5 V / up to 100 % rpm
Vst = open / 100 % rpm

The speed regulation is mostly proportional.
(Customized adaptations available on request)

PWM signal

Options DC axial fans and blowers (PDF)


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